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Park Rules



Terms of Agreement


Wychbold Walkies is intended to be a fun place, but it must also be a safe place. By using the facilities you agree to the following:-




1. Have Fun and get to know your four-legged friends. 


2. Please respect our park and each other. People and their dogs use this park for many reasons, please respect that they may have different circumstances to yourself. 


3. Failure to pick up dog waste, rubbish or toys will lead to the refusal of future use. If you find poo left by a previous user, please place a flag by the waste and email to let us know. The park is monitored by CCTV and repeat offenders may be banned.


4. Bookings start on the hour and last 50 minutes. Please leave promptly at the end of your session; any user who regularly overstays will not be allowed to return. If someone has overstayed then please let us know. You can arrive 5 minutes early but please park farthest away from the gates. You and your dog(s) must remain in vehicles until the previous user and dog are safety back in the vehicle. Never enter the field while somebody else is in it. Any issues please inform us immediately.


5. Please keep your dog on leash until they are within the park and the gate is secure.


6. Dogs must be up to date with vaccinations and regularly treated for flea, tick and worm prevention. To protect our users and their dogs we complete random vaccination checks.


7. Training using fear, force or pain is STRICTLY PROHIBITED. Any of these techniques being used will cause a lifetime ban. This includes the use of prong collars or any variant thereof. If seen, please inform us immediately.


The Important Stuff:


Use of the field is entirely at your own risk. Wychbold Walkies accepts no liability for the death of, or injury to any person or dog. Wychbold Walkies ltd also accepts no liability for any losses, claims, actions, damages, costs, expenses or other liability incurred whilst onsite. Your personal actions and your dogs' behaviour are your sole responsibility and no claim can be made against Wychbold Walkies ltd.


You are liable for any damage caused inside and outside of the field by you, your dog(s) or any person in your party. All dogs must be covered under their own third party insurance (public liability insurance). This is usually included in your pet insurance.


We are located in a rural setting. Wychbold Walkies may not be suitable for all dogs due to the proximity of a public right of way. Please assess the suitability for your own dog. We have erected 2m deer fencing complete with rabbit mesh to provide as secure an area as possiblr. However, remain vigilant and if you notice a weakness within our fencing please let us know. 


Please prevent your dog from playing near the fencing. The rabbit mesh has been pegged to the ground, and until the grass has securely knotted with the mesh, it is possible that sharp pieces will be exposed. 




You and your dogs must remain in your vehicle until it is your turn to use the field. Wychbold Walkies Ltd, is a business focussed on providing help and training to some very unique dogs. Please respect that our 4 legged users might be going through a lot or be working on their manners, and it is never acceptable to allow dogs of separate bookings to socialise in the car park.  


Please use the designated parking spaces available. If you wish to enter the field in your car, this must be requested after booking at


Never enter the field while somebody else is in it. There is a lock to lock yourself in to prevent anyone from entering when you are inside.If the previous appointment is still in the field when your booking starts, please inform us immediately at


Once the field is vacated, please double check the padlock is correctly secure and the gate is locked. 

Never divulge your passcode to anyone. The passcode is regularly changed. 




Do not drop litter or leave toys or uneaten treats in the field. Some dogs have particular allergies and will swallow them and become ill so please take everything home with you at the end of your session.


No smoking anywhere on site.


If you wish to share your slot with friends it is your responsibility to ensure that they read and agree to these Terms of Use. Please ensure that all dogs get along before bringing them to the facility.




Wychbold Walkies is a safe and peaceful retreat for everybody. Please give people and dogs plenty of space. Any disrespectful behaviour will lead to refusal of future use.


Please respect our neighbours’ privacy. Wychbold Walkies is not affiliated with neighbouring farms and residential properties. Please do not enter their land.


Please do not touch/feed or allow any aggressive behaviour towards any neighbouring animals. 




Wychbold Walkies ltd is not liable for any death, damage, injury or loss to any person or animal while using the facility or the equipment within it, or to any third party as a result of any person or dog.


Dogs under 18 months old are restricted from using the agility equipment due to their developing growth plates.


If your pet is unwell or has any physical limitations please discuss your visit with your vet. Pets with infectious illnesses must not visit the park. 


Be mindful when using equipment in wet or icy conditions as surfaces become slippery. The equipment is for canine use only, not for human adults or children to climb on. 


Never push dogs to do anything that they are not physically or mentally capable of. Allow dogs to go at their own pace and always let them choose whether they want to do it or not. Ensure dogs warm up properly first. 




Do not bring your dog to the field if they are or have been unwell in the last 48 hours. Doing so could be harmful to other dogs.


All sessions must comply with Wychbold Walkies reward-based training values. We reserve the right to cancel or end any session that may not comply.


Never leave dogs unattended in the field and no dogs to be left in vehicles while you walk other dogs in the field.


When booking autumn and winter appointments search ‘sunset time + date’ online to check daylight hours. You will need to bring a torch.




If you wish to use the field with a professional or if you are a professional and would like to use the field with your clients, please contact us. We do not allow any training using force, fear or pain. If seen, please report immediately. 




Cancellations after booking are not permitted unless agreed by Wychbold Walkies. Changes to booking times and dates can be completed up to 24 hours in advance of the scheduled booking. 




Wychbold Walkies ltd is committed to ensuring that your privacy is protected. We hold your personal information in order to provide you with a service and for internal record keeping. Your name is needed to track payments and your email address is needed to send you the gate access code. If you opt in to receive news updates from us you have the option to opt out at any time. We will never pass your information to any third party. By processing your booking and indicating that you would like to receive further information from us, you consent to us using your personal information in the above ways. To view our full Privacy Notice please visit here.




The standard booking fee covers 1-3 dogs; additional dogs are charged at £2 per dog up to a maximum of 8 dogs.


All services are subject to annual price increases.


Responsibility/Release and Assumption of Risk: Client acknowledges that the Services offered may be an activity in which damage or injury to animal(s) and/or persons may occur. Client will assume full financial responsibility for the actions of their animal(s) and any person(s) in their party. I/We Client understand and are aware that the Services described in this Agreement contain inherent risks and dangers which could result in death, injury and/or damage to and/or by Client’s animal(s) which may arise resulting from, but not limited to, the risks of rural settings such as uneven ground, holes, or floods, the hazards of all types of traffic, dangerous dogs and animals, interaction with people and other animals, dog aggression, dog attacks, injury to animals or persons, exposure to areas with novel or unfamiliar stimulus, all types of weather and/or unsafe conditions, the dangers of civil disturbance, the forces of nature. In consideration of, and as part of the payment for the Services provided herein, I/We Client have and do hereby expressly assume all of the above risks. The terms of this agreement shall serve as a release and express assumption of risk for myself, my animal(s), my guest(s), my heirs, assignees, administrators, executors, and all members of my family, including any minors.


I have read and fully understand the provisions and the legal consequences of this Release and Assumption of Risk and I hereby agree to all its conditions, especially noting and agreeing to the release of Wychbold Walkies ltd and its agents, employees, officers, directors, associates, affiliated companies, subcontractors, and related individuals to the extent permitted by law, from liability for death, injury or damage to or by my animal(s), and assume all risks thereof and full financial responsibility for the actions of my animal(s). 


Wychbold Walkies ltd may use their discretion to stop and end the service at any time that a pet poses a danger to the safety or health of itself or other dogs, people or employees. 


Severability: If any provision of this agreement is deemed to be unenforceable for any reason, this will not affect the validity and enforceability of any other provision of this Agreement.


Either Client or Service Provider has the right to terminate this Agreement at any time by notice to the other. Client acknowledges that Services will cease upon termination of this Agreement. This Agreement supersedes all other agreements, written or oral, between Client and Service Provider. 

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